How to select the right wallpapers to make your rooms appear bigger


Are you looking for wallpapers to give your décor the finest retouch? Well if yes, you have landed at the correct page and this will help you understand and get the best idea about wallpapers. While you purchase wall coverings – choosing the perfect tone and how much to buy can be two daunting tasks. Jotted below are few points that will help you choose a room that appear bigger, warmer and brighter apart from hiding imperfect elements and also the use of 3D wallpapers for bedroom walls. Let’s check them out!

1.       Colors play an important role –
Colors often sets the mood in a room be it – living room or bedroom! To make space look larger and make ceilings appear higher, you need to pick patterns with cool-color backgrounds. For example you can choose backgrounds that play around – violet, blue or green.  Tranquility is reflected from soft cool colors whereas fresh and dramatic are the very essence of intense cool colors. Warm colors like that of the oranges, reds and yellows do justice to their names and actually make people feel warmer and perfect! These become popular choices in colder climates and also for north-facing rooms. The intense the color the increases excitement it gives to the room it is used for!

2.       Textures help hide flaws –
Wall imperfections are sometimes difficult to handle and often becomes architectural eyesores for the ones living in the room as well as the guests. To save the embarrassment one can make use of patterns that are either real or perceived to just camouflage the same.  Layered designs along with pattern create a perception of texture. For example – a monochromatic classic Damask design behind a floral pattern will definitely work wonders.

3.       3D wallpapers for Bedrooms
Owing to the present situation, we are all stuck indoors and it has really become very important to find peace at every corner of the house. With these sorts of unique wallpapers we can offer the bedroom a little something that excites us too!


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