Why Wallpapers are the best choice for your Kitchen?

Wallpapers are the best means for a home renovation job. The colours and patterns are perfect for changing the look of a room. Decorative wallpapers have long been used to beautify a bedroom or living space. But when it comes to the kitchen, home owners are still sceptical about using wallpapers in their cooking space. This is because they feel that wallpapers may peel away soon due to high moisture. The solution is simple. Vinyl-based wallpapers are a perfect choice for kitchen wallpaper. Their protective coating of vinyl acts as a barrier against moisture. Vinyl wallpapers are also strong and highly durable.

Wallpapers are a fantastic way of adding colour and texture to your kitchen. With wallpaper designs, home owners can incorporate the latest décor trends in their kitchen. Thanks to innovation and advancement in technology, wallpapers are no longer vulnerable to moisture. When it comes to moisture resistance, there are three different grades available in the market: washable, scrubbable, and highly scrubbable. Wallpaper companies are constantly innovating to produce wallpapers with high water resistance capabilities.

In most of the homes, kitchen walls are usually decorated with chic designer tiles. But wallpapers are a better option than wall tiles. Here is why:

Ease of Cleaning
Working in the kitchen can easily turn into a mess. Thick yellow gravy can splatter into the walls anytime, completely ruining the decor. While tiles are easy to clean, the joints or corners can prove to be difficult where the stains or oil particles get stuck. Kitchen wallpaper is more favourable than using tiles because they can be wiped clean with a gentle cloth or soap water. Vinyl wallpapers are the best kind to use in the kitchen because they are moisture resistant. Vinyl wallpapers can be wiped, washed or even scrubbed.

Long-Lasting Nature
Before installing wallpaper in your kitchen, be sure to check its durability options. Are they washable? Are they scrubbable? Can they withstand regular water splashes? These are important things to take note of. High quality wallpapers can easily last for 10 to 12 years. They are highly durable in nature. There are also wallpapers with anti-bacterial properties that have been specially designed for the kitchen; these are splash-proof and durable. Washable wallpapers can be easily maintained, thus, they have a longer life span.

Versatility of Designs
Between wall tiles and kitchen wallpaper, the latter option gives a more diverse choice of designs and styles. If you want a minimalistic look, pick wallpaper with a faux naturalistic marble texture. Going for a more eccentric look? Choose wallpaper with funky fruit patterns like a pineapple or orange. If you prefer a modern and sophisticated look, go with geometric wallpapers. With so many designs and patterns to choose from, home owners can use decorative wallpapers to get their dream kitchen.

Better Interiors
Wallpapers demand attention. They are eye-catching and striking to look at. If you have an open-style kitchen where guests can peek into your cooking space, using wallpapers is the superior decor choice than tiles. Guests will come and gush over your terrific looking kitchen wallpaper and sing praises of your home interior style.


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