Questions To Ask Your Décor Expert While Renovating Your Home

 Are you planning to renovate your home? If your answer is yes, we understand the task seem daunting. Renovating all the nooks and corners of the house needs a thorough study and expert help. Meeting a home décor stylist for the purpose will make it easier for you to manage the tasks. For example if you are thinking painting the walls will make it look the best, the home décor stylist will of course not agree and help you choose best wallpapers for walls thus changing the entire rooms and the best part is at an affordable rate.

Here are a few question listed and these could be asked to the décor stylist

What is their signature style?

Most of the interior designers offer a range of services to their clients and the options are endless. Therefore, asking their approach or style will help you take a decision and share your requirements.  Knowing the expertise of the stylist is important to understand if they can suffice to your needs and help you make a perfect choice.

Are you communicating your ideas?

Your dream home is always built and renovated the way you want it. The stylists need to know your preferences and ideas to transform them into reality.  In case, you find the designer does not understand your requirements or they are too pushy, t is obviously not a good idea to stick around the designer.

3.       Can you ask for sample work?

The simple, one-worded answer to this question is yes! You can always ask for a sample work to ensure you that you are choosing the best.

Apart from these there are a few other technical things that you need to keep in kind. Let’s check them:

·         Check with the interior designers what sort of lightings will create a great ambience

·         The colors of the wallpaper for walls decide if the room looks bright or dull.

·         Check with the prices for the services offered and if there are any hidden costs

Look for recommendation from friends, family and acquaintances.


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