Top Wallpaper Ideas for your Bathroom

Wallpapers are an easy and inexpensive way for renovating your home. The market has a wide variety of patterns, colors and styles available that can fulfill the tastes and preferences of individual consumers. They come in different finishes like vinyl, fabric, foil printed, embossed textures, suede etc. Wallpapers are hassle-free. Sticking them on the walls takes no extra effort. Using wallpaper for walls is a time-saving process, as compared to paints. There is no mess created, that is often associated with wall paints. Wallpapers are a convenient way to change the interiors of a room or space.

Waterproof Wallpaper
When using paints on the wall, they require a sufficient amount of time to dry up. Sometimes in the bathroom area, where the walls are subject to extensive water usage, there are certain patches of dampness seen in the water-affected parts of the painted walls. To avoid such problems, it is ideal to use waterproof wallpapers in the bathrooms. They are available in a wide range of textures, colors, and patterns. Consumers can choose between bold floral prints, symmetrical shapes, attractive stripes or spotted wallpaper designs.
The trend of decorative wallpapers in the bathroom is gaining popularity. Using waterproof wallpapers in the bathroom is a cheaper option than installing tiles on the bathroom wall. The right type of bathroom wallpaper can totally transform the look of the room, changing the functional area into a relaxing space.

Some top ideas for your bathroom wallpaper are:

  • One Single Wall

By using wallpaper on the only side of the bathroom, it can make a bold statement. If you are not feeling confident about using wallpaper for walls in the bathroom, experiment with only one wall first. Wallpaper with bold abstract prints on just one wall creates a striking aesthetic.

One Single Wall

  • Mix and Match
If homeowners cannot afford waterproof wallpapers, then one good idea is to combine wallpaper with tiles. You can install tiles up till the point where water splashes may reach, and then use wallpapers till the ceiling. You can also mix wallpapers with wood paneling. Wooden wall panels can be used in the areas where water is likely to splash, and a soft floral wallpaper design will create a countryside feel.
Mix & Match

  • Marble Patterns
Using wallpaper that resembles the look of marble in a bathroom is a great idea. It is common practice to use marble tiles on the bathroom walls. This look can also be achieved with wallpapers by using wallpaper with a marbled pattern. It gives a soothing appearance to your bathroom.

Marble Pattern

  • Wooden Trend
The latest design trend in bathroom interiors is the use of wood panels and cabinets. Bathroom wallpapers with a wooden texture or print are a smart way to be part of this wooden bathroom trend. It gives your bathroom a Scandinavian feel of luxury and relaxation.

Wooden Trend

  • Symmetry
Straight lines, geometrical shapes, zigzag strips – these kinds of linear patterns make a great choice for bathroom wallpapers. The symmetrical designs add to the visual appeal of the space. Stripes and lines sometimes make space look bigger than it actually is. Hence, they are ideal to use in small bathrooms.


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