4 Types of Wallpapers to consider for your Home
Wallpapers have emerged as the leading choice for home design and interiors. With bright colours and varied patterns, they are ideal for changing the look and feel of a room. Based on the material they are made of, here are the main types of wallpapers. Vinyl Wallpaper Wallpaper sellers see the maximum demand for vinyl-based wallpapers. They are hugely favoured by all due to its durable nature. Vinyl wallpapers can easily last around 15-20 years. This kind of wallpaper is light-resistant and comes in a large variety of colours and patterns. Vinyl wallpapers are very affordable and are washable which further contribute to its popularity. Non-woven Wallpaper Non-woven wallpapers are made of natural and synthetic fibres which make them breathable and washable, as well as eco-friendly. They are tear-resistant which makes them perfect for kitchen and bathroom walls. Wallpaper sellers predict non-woven wallpapers will soon become the leading segment in wallpaper market. T...