What are the Types of Wallpaper you can choose?
Wallpapers are beautiful; wallpapers are dramatic. They instantly bring in style and glamour to any space. But while buying wallpaper for walls, it is very important know which wallpaper material to pick. Here are most common types of wallpaper. Vinyl Wallpaper This is the most popular choice. Vinyl-based wallpapers are made of a backing layer with paper or fibre and an upper plastic coating. This makes them water-resistant, relatively cheap and extremely durable. They are easy to install, easy to remove, and easy to clean. Vinyl wallpapers can last really well for 10 to 15 years. But make sure your bedroom is well-ventilated to ensure your walls can breathe. Non-Woven wallpaper Non-wovenwallpapers aremade of a special blend of natural and synthetic fibres, making them eco-friendly products. These fibres can be easily found in common household products such as tea bags, coffee filters, and gauze. Theyallow your walls to breathe. Non-wovenwallpapers also tear-resistant, ...