Trending Wallpaper Designs for Living Room
Over the last few years, decorative home wallpapers have overtaken wall paints as the first choice for interior decoration and renovation. Compared to paints, wallpapers are easier to install. They take less time and are a quicker process. Paint jobs take at least a couple of days. Wallpapers can be installed in a room within 4 to 8 hours depending on the size. They are also more durable. Wallpapers last for around 7 to 10 years. They are easy to maintain and the colors or prints do not fade away easily. Because of their long life, wallpapers are cost-effective in the long run. In recent years, the demand for decorative wallpapers has increased in the market. Homeowners can choose from a varied range of colors, textures, designs, and patterns. They are also available in different finishes like vinyl, fabric, foil printed, embossed textures, suede, etc. Almost every wallpaper importer in India also offers waterproof wallpaper options which are great for use in the bathroom o...