Wallpaper Trends in 2018
Wallpapers are an easy and inexpensive way for interior decorating. The market today offers a wide variety of patterns, colors and styles to cater to all sort of individual tastes and preferences. Years ago, wallpapers were thought to be a cheaper alternative to paints. But today, using wallpaper for bedroom walls are considered to be the home décor trend. As fashion changes with every season, interior trends also keep changing with time. Wallpaper importers in India are offering the latest styles for interior wallpapers in the market. From your living room to the bedroom to even bathroom, wallpapers are everywhere! Contemporary designs and floral colors are the leading styles being seen in wallpaper for bedroom walls. Some of the Hottest Wallpaper Trends are: Bright Floral Patterns : Making a huge impact last year, the floral trend is going to continue this year too. Big bold floral prints add character to a room. Imagine waking up every morning to a sight of yell...